Performance Grant Criteria



The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee along with the Slovenian Arts Program established a Slovenian Arts Performance Grant in 1990.

The grant is given to promote and support Slovenian arts events and to further promote a relationship between the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the Slovenian community.

Grants are limited to local (Southeastern Wisconsin region) Slovenian arts organizations and individual performers.   Grants may also be received by organizations within the above-mentioned area which may be hosting an appropriate group, performer or event from outside of this area.

The maximum of two grants will be available each year, each in the amount of $2,000.00.   An organization, or performer shall be limited to receiving this award not more than once in a three year period.

Any organization, or performer receiving a grant must acknowledge in its program, flyers, and posters for the event using the grant funds that it is sponsored in part by a grant from the U.W.M. - Slovenian Arts Program.




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